Hear Kym talk
about these exciting topics!
A course on
getting published Turn your dreams into bylines
and help yourself to a bright future as a
magazine writer. If you’re a determined writer –
experienced or not, this class will provide you
with the skills you need to get published. Learn
to share your testimony, stories of faith, God’s
blessing in your life, and encouragement to
When asking me to
speak, one dad wrote: "People are flat
out busy. Moms are busy and tired. The general thrust of being
encouraged and supported in homeschooling and supporting each
other is what is most important. As my wife says, 'Tell Kym to
talk to us just like her magazine is.' " Out of that
discussion came the talk, "Moms Mentoring Moms."
indicates those who write their goals out, 95% of them
will reach their goals. The Bible gives reason to plan
our lives in several places: Proverbs 29:18 "Where there
is no vision, the people perish." And Isaiah 32:8, "But
the noble man devises noble plans; and by noble plans he
stands." Join Kym as she shares her
journey of the Gift of Goals: the areas to set them in,
how to reassess and how often, and how to help our
children dream big, and break these into smaller,
bite-size pieces.
Research shows when adults and children eat together . .
.children do better in school, they have fewer behavior
problems, and they like talking with the adults in their
lives. Teens are less apt to smoke, use alcohol or drugs and
family values and traditions and traditions are passed on. Join Kym as she
shares the vision of the Family Meal, its
importance, how to plan meals and shop for groceries
with great ease, and how each family can create special
times around the table, with just a bit of preparation.
From a "let’s enjoy ourselves and have
fun" and the work not getting done, to a more organized family
life, join Kym as she shares her journey in teaching her eight
children how to work and choose a good attitude about it. She talks about
children’s chores from a biblical perspective, casting a vision
of why we want to teach our children to work. Kym helps you
establish the reasons to teach our children to work. Work
attitudes are discussed and how to create the plan with chore charts.
Why do we, as moms, want to invest
our time and money in art projects and creative endeavors? Especially when we
already have so much on our plates. Join Kym as she shares ways to
teach our children creativity - even if that trait is not
ours. She gives ideas, resources, lists and more to help you
appear more creative, and to help our children learn and
explore in this important imaginative process.