Bathroom Brushup


3 pages of practical ideas on how to clean the throne room,
and how to teach our children to do it well.


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To read more about Kym Wright, the teacher, visit her website: www.kymwright.com/about.htm



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in The Mother's Heart magazine





Bathroom Brushup

Kym's Kwik Guide

The older women ... teach what is good ... train the younger women ... to be homemakers, busy at home

Titus 2:3-5

When I became a mother, then a full-time stay-at-home mom back in the 80s, the homeschool movement was in its infant stage. A’Beka wouldn’t sell Teacher’s Manuals to homeschoolers without

great promises of security, because they were concerned that students would see their answer keys

and perhaps use it to their advantage.

There were no state organizations, and HSLDA was two lawyers

in California with “real” day jobs. Also, there were no “older women” to teach me how to be a keeper or worker at home: how to have a schedule,
how to serve meals on time with
several little ones in tow,
how to have joy in the midst of
going against the politically correct tide,
how to love my husband

and children, and how to fit it all in.

Titus 2:3-5 outlines the role of an older (or more experienced) woman very clearly. So, now that I

am older, with eight children and nearly two decades of homeschooling experience, I love to come

alongside new moms, or less experienced homeschoolers, and share the burden, share the joys, and

share the tips and tricks I’ve found.

With that said, let me share with you how we keep our bathrooms

in order.