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Hear Kym talk about


Rewards of Volunteering

A look at the Congressional Awards
and President’s Student Service Awards,
and the practical rewards for our teens

In our family, we volunteer often. We jump in and get involved. Hurricane Katrina found us working in local emergency relief centers along with Boy Scouts, churches, and other volunteers. We gathered local contact information for people to make donations of time, money, food or other items, and emailed it out to churches, friends, acquaintances. Giving a "cup of cold water" to bring help, healing and love.

The Congressional Award Program is about challenge. The President’s Student Service Awards are a White House initiative to recognize students for outstanding community service in a twelve-month period.

Most homeschoolers are able to get credit from these programs for current activities and ministry opportunities. From physical fitness goals, personal development, expeditions and volunteering, the awards offers young people the opportunity to set personal goals and achieve them. Students can achieve six levels of awards, receiving the Congressional Awards Gold Medal in Washington, D.C., from their Congressman.

Kym explains these programs, helps you learn ways to make it easier on yourself, and shares the fun of volunteer days working with Habitat for Humanity, The Red Cross, Hands-On Atlanta, Operation Christmas Child and the special needs baseball organization – Miracle League.

To read more about Kym Wright, the teacher, visit her website:





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