Some of my projects using the cord.

How I made the cording.

Using the 3 yarns above, I twisted them together.
Then I zig-zagged over them with the sewing machine,
using the 3 different embroidery threads shown.
Each thread was used for one pass-through zig-zag.
needed a long cord, so to make the individual yarns easier
to handle, I made them into balls and put a rubber band
around them.
This held them together so I could twist and zig-zag easier.

This is the cord I made.
You can see the table skirt I used it on

used some leftover, sort of ugly yarn, to make some cording
(you can see the orange yarn at the end of the cording). The
cording is the silver part, the orange is the uncovered
I covered the yarn with embroidery thread colors to match the silk
fabric I wanted to use it on.
You can see that the yarn is completely covered
with the embroidery thread.